Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Have/Want Lists - HAMBORSKI

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Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) Wants: [16] (I would like to buy this book), [28] (really would like this one too.), [31] (I would like to purchase a copy of this book.), [32] (I would like to purchase this book), [34] (I would like to buy this book), [38] (I am interested in purchasing a copy of this book.), [52] (I would like to purchase this book.), [60] (I would like to purchase this book) Has: None.
Time Machine Wants: [1] (I would like to purchase this book.), [2] (I would like to purchase this book.), [3] (I would like to purchase this book.), [4] (I would like to purchase this book.), [5] (I would like to purchase this book.), [6] (I would like to purchase this book.), [7] (I would like to purchase this book.), [8] (I would like to purchase this book.), [9] (I would like to purchase this book.), [10] (I would like to purchase this book.), [11] (I would like to purchase this book.), [12] (I would like to buy this book), [13] (I would like to buy this book), [14] (I would like to buy a copy of this book), [15] (Id like to buy this.), [16] (id like to get ahold of this book), [17] (Id like to buy this book.), [18] (I would like to buy this book), [19] (I would like to buy this book), [21] (I would like to buy this book), [22] (i want this book), [23] (i want this book), [24] (i want this book), [25] (i want this book) Has: [20]