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Series - Xhoromag 3: La Somme de Toutes les Vérités

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Alternate Title: Xhoromag 3: The Sum of All Truths (literal English translation of title)
Categories: Amateur Publication
Complexity Level : Advanced (Full Game System)
Format : eBook
Game System : Randomization Method : In Book

The following description is courtesy of the author:

The evil overlord Borex Qrahi seeks to conquer the Xyâna, the One Truth and the Sum of All Truths. For that purpose, he has unleashed his otherworldy servants, the inhuman Disciples of the Second Death, and their endless foul armies. Faced with Qrahi's threat, a strange being calling himself Q'zen, Eternity, comes to Jamie for help. The young adventurer must now venture in the worlds beneath the Fifth Plane and pass through the mysterious Doors of Truth, all to reach Borex Qrahi, Lord of the Second Death, and stop him from becoming the new god of Xhoromag.


1. La Vie sans Fin de la Vapeur
2. Quand Rugit le Ciel Noir
3. Trop Vieux pour Mourir
4. Que Meurent les Êtres sans Âmes
5. Le Jour des Deux Ténèbres
6. Le Maudit de la Brume
7. L'Envoyé des Terizens
8. À l'Image de la Vérité
9. L'Empereur au Visage d'Éternité

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