Demian's Gamebook Web Page

User Reviews - drereichdude

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Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998)

8. Deadwood City
22. Space Patrol
33. The Dragons' Den
72. The Brilliant Dr. Wogan
95. You Are a Genius
110. Invaders from Within
122. Magic Master
132. The Luckiest Day of Your Life
133. The Forgotten Planet
147. The Antimatter Universe
156. You Are an Alien

Choose Your Own Adventure (2005-)

17. The Brilliant Dr. Wogan

Choose Your Own Adventure Reissues (Australian Versions)

18. The Brilliant Dr. Wogan

Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D: Choose Your Own Journey

1. The Search for Earth's Surface

Super Powers Which Way Books

1. Superman: The Man of Steel
4. Batman: The Doomsday Prophecy

Which Way Books

15. Star Trek: Voyage to Adventure
24. Star Trek: Phaser Fight