Demian's Gamebook Web Page

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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Coloring Album
Prince of Thieves
Spawn of Dragonspear
Shadow over Nordmaar
The Vanishing City
Trail Sinister
Gates of Death
Clash of the Sorcerers
Curse of the Werewolf
Lords of Doom
The Sorcerer's Crown
Nightmare Realm of Baba Yaga
Sceptre of Power
Master of Ravenloft
Test of the Ninja
The Soulforge
Escape from Castle Quarras
The Ghost Tower
Prisoners of Pax Tharkas
Midnight on Dagger Alley
Dragon's Hall
Thieve's Quarter
Two Seaters
Wingleader: Bomber
Ground Target
Jet Eagles
Balloon Buster
Flying Machines
Powerhouse Series
Handy Rotary Series
Roman Quest
Greek Quest
Egyptian Quest
Aztec Quest
Terror's Lair
2300 AD
Sorcery! Box Set
The Crown of Kings
The Seven Serpents
Kharé - Cityport of Traps
The Shamutanti Hills
The Sorcery Spellbook
Curse of the Mummy
Revenge of the Vampire
Knights of Doom